

Narrating all things thriller, spice and everything nice.(aka suspense and smut please)




About Daphne

LA Vocal Booth | Rode Mic | Focusrite Scarlett Solo | Audition

I’m traditionally a graphic designer and also enjoy bringing books to life through book cover design.

In my free time, I’m a fantasy smut enthusiast who believes I can make anything found on Etsy and can binge Netflix with the best of them. I enjoy living out my adulthood doing all of the things I wasn’t allowed to do when I was a kid (dying my hair green, being friends with people who have tattoos and, most recently, getting the cutest dog ever).

I wish I was the kind of person that left Amazon reviews, I avoid eye contact at the grocery store and I can be extroverted, but only in a group of three or less.

I narrate all things thriller, spice and everything nice in a way that feels as real as your last awkward family dinner. I love bringing your stories to life, giving them the organic voice you envisioned while you were creating your labor of love. I don’t just read a script, I chat with your characters like they’re my BFFs who might as well join me in my weekend plans (because let’s face it, this is what I’m doing on my weekends anyway).
